A los 18 años leí Hamlet y ésta escena me quedó profundamente grabada.
Polonio aconseja a sus hijos Ofelia y Laertes.
El consejo del padre al hijo me pareció muy sabio y perfecto para
aplicarlo a mi propia vida, aunque al comentarla a un amigo me tildó de superficial y egoísta.
Aún con todo creo que durante éste tiempo, desde que leí el libro hasta hoy, he seguido regularmente bien el consejo. Así que posiblemente soy regularmente superficial y egoísta.
He aquí el consejo:
You’re still here, Laertes! Aboard, aboard, for shame!
The wind sits in the best part of your sail,
And the ship waits for you. There, my blessing with you!
And see that you write these few precepts
In your memory. Give your thoughts to yourself,
And don’t act without thinking.
Be friendly, but by no means vulgar.
Those friends you have, and their friendship tested,
Anchor them to your soul with hoops of steel,
But don’t spend your money on entertaining
Each newly acquired, unproven friend. Beware
Of getting into a quarrel, but, once you are in,
Fight so that the man you fight with may beware of you.
Listen to what every man says, but speak to few.
Take each man's opinion, but reserve your judgment.
Buy as costly clothes as can pay for,
But not made fancy, rich, and certainly not gaudy.
For the clothes often tell what kind of man you are,
And the ones in France of the best rank and station
Are most choosy and generous in that regard.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
For a loan often loses both the loan and the friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of the economy.
This above all, to your own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
You cannot then be false to any man.
Goodbye. My blessing instill these things in you!
3 comentarios:
Dulce sitio web, yo no hubiera venido a través de su blog antes en las búsquedas! Llevar adelante la obra excepcional!
Wow! ¡Gracias! Siempre quise escribir en mi sitio algo así. ¿Puedo tomar parte de tu post en mi blog?
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